Look Gorgeous Day or Night with Eyelash Extensions

Just about every woman wants long, full, noticeable eyelashes that provide a youthful, alert appearance and increase personal confidence, but applying eyelash curlers and mascara is time consuming and can be frustrating.

La Belle Femme Skin Studio offers innovative and revolutionary eyelash extensions to provide you with natural-looking lashes that are permanently applied directly onto your natural lashes. Get the thicker, longer, lusher eyelashes you always wanted, just like the Hollywood stars! Free yourself from clumpy lashes, smudges and eye irritation while you unwind and relax in a comfortable setting. The thickness and fullness of extensions applied by our trained technician will make you look and feel gorgeous day and night.

We Offer Eyelash Extensions, Not Eyelash Cleaning

This is an extreme example of old mascara and dirty lashes. Your scheduled time slot is allocated to fill your lashes, not to clean out old eye makeup. Even if you think you have removed all traces, you’d be surprised how much is still lurking in your lash line ready to destroy the new lashes you’re about to receive. Please, come to your appointments with squeaky clean lashes so you can get the most out of the service.

Lash Lift: A Low-Maintenance Alternative to Extensions

If you don’t feel lash extensions are for you, try a Lash Lift. It’s a low-maintenance lash perm that lifts and enhances your natural lashes for up to 6 weeks! Using silicone pads and a series of cream solutions, the Lash Lift curls, sets, and conditions natural lashes, leaving them with a long-lasting, natural-looking lift.

Mini Set

30 Lashes per Eye

Half Set

Up to 50 Lashes per Eye

Full Set

Up to 70 Lashes per Eye

Unlimited Set

Every Lash Available


Within 2-3 Weeks


If Applied Elsewhere, add $10

Lash Lift + Tint
















Start your journey to a more enjoyable life, with a free consultation.